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Latest notices

You, Me, Bum Bum Train needs YOU!!!!!

Everyone's favourite genre-defying performance art collective You,Me,Bum Bum Train is back, and they need YOUR help! There are only 7 days left until all their sets have to be built, decorated and complete. They're after supporters of the show to drop by the venue and help so that they can hit this critical deadline. It's the energy, enthusiasm and excitement of volunteers that are the foundations of You Me Bum Bum please bring it down between now and Sunday!

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Live Art Development Agency presents DIY9: 2012 - Call for Participants

Professional development projects BY artists FOR artists. Deadline: Mon, 9 July 2012.

DIY 9 is an opportunity for artists working in Live Art to take part in unusual training and professional development projects conceived and run by artists for artists.

All projects take place between August and October 2012 .

DIY 9 projects are aimed at both emergent and experienced practitioners, and take place throughout the UK.

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Artists' Long Format Film - Call for applications

The deadline for proposals is: 5pm, Wednesday 29 August 2012

Portland Green Cultural Projects, in partnership with Film London's FLAMIN and the Hayward Gallery, Southbank Centre is re-opening its call for projects for innovative long form experimental works from artist film-makers.
Artists' Long Format Film (ALFF) is an innovative new partnership looking to develop and produce one ambitious single screen moving image work that uses performance as its central driver.

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