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The Gig List 30 March - 4 April: Anthony Chalmers lines up the week's best London gigs

Alright! So I'm a bit out of breath after my new excercise thing am working on to counter the size of my ever increasing belly but I think can get it together to recommend some gigs for the week!

The gig of the day today has got to be Peggy Sue's album Launch at The Garage with Dan Michaelson & Mariners Children supporting! It may have sold out though so not much good...Apart from that Is Tropical might be worth checking out at Puregroove, it's free entry

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Sebastian Weikart's SXSW Diary

Sebastian Weikart is a digital guru who loves his music. A contributor to The Gig List and scene v-logger he recently fell a little bit in love with a certain music festival.

Hands up, who likes free stuff? Free beer, free food, even free falafels for picky vegans? Do you like sunshine, warm air and gorgeous year round climate?

Tell me, do you by any chance enjoy seeing awesome bands everywhere you stumble - in pubs, bars and countless outdoor events?

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The Gig List 13: Anthony Chalmers lines up the week's best London gigs

So after a relative week off as most folks were away at SXSW I'm back to a usual week again. LOADS of ace shows to go to this week going to be exciting :)

Aaaaaand for the shows:

There are a couple of big and great shows tonight but I think they are both sold out. Thats Magnetic Fields at The Barbican & Wild Beasts at Koko but since none of us are going to that unless you already knew about it no point me

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The Gig List 12: Anthony Chalmers lines up the week's best London gigs

This is the new blog that tells you the sweetest London gigs for the next seven days. God don't like it, but we do. Did you come down and see TEAM RUN-RIOT play tunes at the Moonshine Jamboree on Sunday? Chalmers did, a pink cocktail in each hand...

Today I Am forcing myself to do some work after not feeling so hot after Old Queens Head all dayer (discovered that 2 drinks tokens = one cocktail which totally made my day!)

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Theatre Review: Magnet Theatre present 'Every year, every day, I am Walking' at Oval House. Words by Franck Bordese

Aggie and Ernestine are happy sisters somewhere in Africa. They play and laugh watched by their mother who cooks lovely food for them. That is until one night their village is victim of a violent attack. Ernestine disappears. Their home is destroyed by fire and Aggie and her mother just about escape. They embark on a long journey in search for healing.

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'The Curse of the Black Gold: 50 years of oil in the Niger Delta' by Ed Kashi

For the first time famous photojournalist Ed Kashi's award winning 'Curse' exhibition comes to London. Fiona Halliday previews and considers the issues.

Oil could and should have made Nigeria one of the richest countries in Africa and yet the Niger delta suffers from what economists call ‘the resource curse’ where the abundance of natural resources that should generate wealth bring only corruption, exploitation and violence.

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Your Mum

Hot on the heels of Valentine's Day comes another commercialised cheese-fest; Mothers' Day. Rather than splurging on temporary pleasure like chocolates and flowers, why not spend some time with your mum instead?Switch your phone off for a couple of hours, catch up, have a natter, and enjoy some quality mother-daughter time. Here are my top recommendations.

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