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The Gig List 11: Anthony Chalmers lines up the week's best London gigs

This is the new blog that tells you the sweetest London gigs for the next seven days. God don't like it, but we do. Here's the hippest thing to hit the music scene since Simon Cowell's trousers ...Anthony Chalmers

So after an utterly manic few weeks things are returning to some level on normality and I intend to chill out a bit! ACE day/night at Macbeth last night definitely doing another all dayer there :)

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Gabby Young's London Fashion Week Diary part 4!

Saving my car from the pound wasn't how I had envisioned my 4th day of the most glamourous week in London starting, and I was eager to escape back to the fabulous 'movie-like' world of fashion week. LFW is like escapism and also a pretty addictive drug - the more you have, the more you want!

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The Gig List 9: Anthony Chalmers lines up the week's best London gigs

This is the new blog that tells you the sweetest London gigs for the next seven days. God don't like it, but we do. Fresh from his victory in Friday's Peanut Butter Soundclash as part of Team Run Riot here's our music editor...Anthony 'We can't play MANEATER' Chalmers

This is one of those weeks for gigs when they are just coming left right and centre. February is always the busiest month of the year for gigs I think. Everyone goes on and then all the amazing shows clash with each other!

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