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REVIEW: 'One On One Festival' by James Cowan

I am at peace. I have been sung to, played with, directed, bound and blindfolded, seduced, bathed, embraced, fed, and hung upside down out of a first floor window. I am at peace.

This is what can be expected from an afternoon or evening spent at the BAC during the exciting and often challenging 'One on One' festival over the next week.

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Gabby Young's Festival Diary: Glastonbury

As there are a lot of 'real workers' in my band- the earliest we could all go to Glastonbury was Thursday; but as I am currently a 'non- real worker' for the summer, I started preparing for this festival about 2 weeks ago; so for once in my life I was prepared!! (Well at least I THOUGHT I was- more on this later!!)

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Rebel Dining Society 'Pernod Absinthe Green Hour'

It was somewhat unwisely that I attended the Rebel Dining Society Absinthe special, 24 hours after having a wisdom tooth extracted and thus 24 hours since I had last eaten. After a delicious absinthe mojito, we were seated at the dining tables where yet more booze was provided- a knowledgeable host talking us through the proper absinthe/sugar/water ratio.So armed with our special absinthe spoons and fountains, we set to work.

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'JUST DO IT - And That Means Environmental Action, Not Trainers' by Charlie Phillips

Photograph by Mini Mouse

Environmental activism has changed the game in the last year. The third Heathrow runway has been defeated, renewable technology is being encouraged as a trump over NIMBY planners, and a post-oil world is being serioulsy considered – albeit with a little help from BP’s careless drilling. The tedious anti-scientific rhetoric of climate deniers hasn’t drowned out the clamour from noisy climate campers and activists.

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