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REVIEW: Hackney Wicked by Clare Callan

Above image: The burning of the wicker chicken

On Sunday night, in a pleasant cider-haze, I stood in an industrial yard in the depths of East London surrounded by people dressed in inventive and outlandish attire. Everyone around me was singing raucously and banging makeshift drums in anticipation. A giant wicker chicken was about to be burned. I could not think of a more fitting end to the weekend.

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REVIEW: 'No Idea' by Helen Black

Listening to Lady Gaga, Poker Face before the curtain went up, I was not sure what to expect. The verdict: A great compact production with just two actors performing in the first person, and as true friends, for their research Rachael and Lisa went onto the streets with a recorder to ask what their new performance should be about before devising the show. What happens is a wonderful feeling of the ‘here and now’ through using this research as living, edible source material.

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INTERVIEW: David Toop talks to Leslie Deere

Still from Jeff Keen Marvo Movie, 1967. 16mm film. Courtesy the artist and LUX, London

Assaults on Perception
Blow Up: Exploding Sound and Noise (London to Brighton 1959-1969)


24 June – 25 July 2010
Curated by David Toop and Tony Herrington

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