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Katie's Christmas Gift Guide Part 2: Fashionistas

Welcome to the second instalment of my Christmas Gift Guide series. This week I chatted to my friends who work in fashion; these guys spend all year surrounded by gorgeous stuff, so come Christmas, they KNOW what they want.I've tried to give some tailored recommendations, but be warned- this is a fussy bunch. If your fashionista friend says they want one of the new Vivienne Westwood notebooks for Christmas, then they MEAN a Vivienne Westwood notebook, not one that looks the same and is a fraction of the price from WHSmith.

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Katie's Christmas Gift Guide part 1: Foodies

Whether we like it or not, the festive season is being thrust upon us left right and centre by an industry striving to lure us out of a recession. In support of their cause, and to help you with your gift buying, I have asked friends of mine from various industries what they'd like for Christmas- both realistically and in an ideal world. Hopefully this will cater for those of you with on a budget and those of you who are loaded. I'll also be offering my own gift recommendations, testament to my embarrassingly encyclopaedic knowledge of internet shopping sites.Go forth, shop, be merry.

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Interview: Jodie Harsh, undisputed Queen of London's Nightlife reveals the latest incarnation of legendary Circus night

Jodie Harsh is one of the capital's finest polymaths after dark. Harsh has been lighting up London's nightlife for several years as DJ, club promoter and producer and all round party gal. Jodie has become a fashion muse in the capital and beyond and achieved international acclaim DJing in New York, Ibiza and Milan to name but three.


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