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Hg2...London review 4 favorite venues

Hg2 is an abbreviation for A Hedonist's Guide to... - a luxury city guide series coveted by travellers who value both style and substance when it comes to soaking up a city. Hg2 has teamed up with Run Riot to deliver monthly recommendations for things to do and see in London Town.

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Anthony's weekly gig recommendation blog!

Okay so I did one of these and then proceeded to bugger off out of London for 2 weeks cheffing in Sussex (I used to be a cook, was covering for a mate) but now things

are back to usual and I promise this will once again be a weekly blog!


Think going to do it from Monday to Sunday makes sense.... although this Sunday Im down Old Queens Head for a lovely all dayer, great roasts, bands, drinks, sofa's et al so can recommend that :)


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