Kerenza Evans reviews AIM Escape's Psychopath's Den
My husband was terrified to do the Psychopath's Den Escape Room. This fear arose not of the room itself but of my reaction to it. "You don't cope well in these scenarios,' he soothed, referring to a time I nearly punched a witch who leapt out at me at a Halloween house of horrors. I screamed, the witch screamed, everyone around started screaming - it is not a proud memory.
Our Children Are Fighting Too: Ukrainian Artist Alina Zamanova discusses processing the war through art
Image: 'Our Children Are Fighting Too' by Alina Zamanova at The Smallest Gallery in Soho. Photo by Philip Levine.
From skateboarders to volcanologists, Charlie Philips introduces the Folkestone Documentary Festival
The Folkestone Documentary Festival celebrates documentary in all its forms, from art to social issues with a strong focus on community collaborations at the heart of programming. This year’s festival will specifically focus on the buried histories of people of colour. Charlie Philips is The Head of Video at The Guardian and this year’s Programmer for the festival. Here, he gives a fantastic summary of the highlights guests to the festival can expect.
Review: You’re Safe Til 2024: Deep History by David Finnigan
I think I’m still processing the performance from David Finnigan’s incredible solo show at the Barbican Centre, so I'll start with the emotional aspect while I work through the simultaneous feelings of hope and despair that circle around me as I write.