Art Review: William Eggleston Exhibition, Victoria Miro Gallery. Words by Fiona Campbell.
A rubbish filled dumpster, bare tiled bathroom and pornographic posters; these are just a few of the everyday images that feature in Eggleston’s collection of new work 21st Century currently exhibiting at the Victoria Miro gallery. On first glance the photographs project a bleak picture of American Suburbia, yet Egglestons’s trade mark garish colours and penetrating shafts of light illuminate his mundane subjects, transforming them into objects of simple beauty.
The Gig List 8: Anthony Chalmers lines up the week's best London gigs
This is the new blog that tells you the sweetest London gigs for the next seven days. God don't like it, but we do. This week Anthony Chalmers lays it on thick
Alright folks! It's with a shaking hand and barely open eyes that I write this after the weekends shenanigans but with MOTD 2 on and just about returning to life thought that I would look at the weeks recommendations!
Katie Antoniou talks to Gisele 'Goddess Guide' Scanlon about her new book and an ideal day in London
Run Riot team away- day at The Print Club London
Last week a few members of the Run Riot family took a day off to do some team building and screen-printing at Dalston printing studio 'The Print Club London'.Here's a blow by blow, massively over-simplified account of the process.
First we were shown how to apply the emulsion to our screens, Run Riot founder Jamie does a smashing job below:
Stuff to help you hate Valentines Day less.
Valentines Day, eh? Who is it for?
The Gig List 7: Anthony Chalmers lines up the week's best London gigs
This is the new blog that tells you the sweetest London gigs for the next seven days. God don't like it, but we do. This week Anthony Chalmers is so busy he's cutting straight to skinny
Only got a minute to get this out so gonna leave out all the the blurb and just gonna give the recommendations!
Tuesday: Canadian Blast @ Puregroove - She Keeps Bee's & Little Lost David
Wednesday: Tristram @ The Social /The Ex & Zun Zun Egui
Thursay: Esben & the Witch @ The Hobby Horse / Egyptian Hip Hop @ The Stags Head
Stage Poetry: Luke Wright and Ross Sutherland- by Amy Liptrot
Amy Liptrot considers the recent performance poetry special Luke Wright's Three Stigmata of Pacman
Over the past decade the young writers in the Aisle 16 collective have - both individually and in group shows - built up an impressive amount of work and developed a distinctive funny and smart style in the endlessly-derided 'performance poetry' genre. Tonight, the two founder members of Aisle 16 present accomplished one-man-poetry-shows to busy, receptive audiences in Islington.
The Dotpod Special: Gwendoline Riley - Genius, Vodka and the Truth
this is the listings from the previous DotPod episode, named one of the ten best podcasts in London. New episode coming soon! Featuring Vice,Tamsin Omond, Crystal Fighters and Gabby Young.
What is Dotpod? It’s a sigh in the dark, a nasty slice from the left side of glory and we know, we know you like it...
Patrick and Emre are back – steady yourself for Dotpod 3!