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Hg2... London Review 4 Favourite Venues April 2011

Hg2 is an abbreviation for A Hedonist's Guide to... - a luxury city guide series coveted by travellers who value both style and substance when it comes to soaking up a city. Hg2 has teamed up with Run Riot to deliver monthly recommendations for things to do and see in London Town.

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'I Guess If The Stage Exploded'... by Sylvia Rimat

I guess… if I’d brought along a rifle, point it towards my right foot and shoot myself into the foot in front of all of you.

I guess… if suddenly it started to snow in this studio space. Outside it would be dark and raining, but in here it would be snowing heavily.

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Feature: 'The Coco de Mer's Salons' by Anne Kapp

For those of you who don’t know your p spot from your g spot, Coco De Mer’s salons can provide an eye opening, liberating and educational experience.

Never one to shy away from the subject of sex, I have enjoyed as many cocktail-fuelled discussions of penis size and vibrators as any other red blooded woman. The thought that I may not be sexually liberated has never crossed my filthy mind.

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