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ROADBLOCK - we're all gonna die!

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Time 17:30
Date 13/07/11
Price Free
  • Produced by Climate Rush
  • Price 0
  • Get ready to clear the smoke
  • Bring along a sense of adventure! And waterproofs if the weather is strange stormy sunshine.
  • Surf to Climate Rush [official site]
  • See you at

Meet at Soho Sq for a bike ride PLUS a walking tour which will end with a 4.267 minute DIE-IN.

Air pollution in London is the worst in the UK and among the worst in Europe, with fatal consequences. But we can do something about it. Climate Rush are organising a cycle flashmob. We’re all going to die. Join us and together, we’ll get London breathing.

We're acting because:

- Clean air in the city would prevent about 4,300 premature deaths each year.
- Breathing London’s air reduces the life expectancy of those who die prematurely from it by 11 years on average. 
- Air pollution from our busiest roads exacerbates asthma and may cause it.
- Deaths and illnesses from air pollution in the capital cost up to £2bn a year.

It’s a public health emergency with the simplest of solutions (banning the most polluting vehicles from the most polluted places). Boris delayed a key phase of the existing weak low emission zone (LEZ) by 15 months to January 2012. He must implement it with one or more additional Berlin-style inner LEZs in 2012. If he doesn’t we face a continuing public health crisis, chaos during the Olympics and unlimited EU fines for failing to comply with laws in legislation since 1999.

Protest for tougher legislation cause if not… we’re all gonna die.

Join us in Soho Square at 6:30 sharp on Wednesday 13th July to hear all the details of our protest or email

Join the Facebook event here

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