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Crying out Loud presents Flown by Pirates of the Carabina

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Time 20:30
Date 24/05/13
Price £10

International new circus with a twist!

With a crash of drums, the Circus arrives – a tour-hardy troupe of acrobats, aerialists, dancers, musicians, stuntmen and adventurers. Welcome to a world where who knows what will happen next!

A vibrant, poignant and surprising show, Flown mixes comedy and chaos with bold physicality and an eclectic live sound-scape.

Pirates of the Carabina is a new circus company of nine - including British, Irish, Finnish, and American circus artists, riggers and musicians. Flown is devised and produced by the company with direction from James Williams.

24th and 25th May, 7.30 and 8.40pm

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