Patrick Hussey
Personal Brief
Long time Run-Rioter, editor and podcaster, now working as social media monkey for Arts & Business.
Artists on your radar, shout them out!
Half numb, half passionate I am rather bored by everything at the minute.
Which is your number one location - and what's it best for?
Bed. Typing.
'Getting creative', what's it all about?
Undoing blockages. Spiritual plumbing basically.
Your Life, Right Now - what's the soundtrack?
The Hackney symphony of sirens and busses outside my window.
What is your idea of a jolly good time?
Falling in love. Possibly in a rural setting.
What happened the last time you were a complete disgrace?
My disgraces are timed only with my drunkeness and are thus regular. What happened. O no.