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Olivia Bellas


Personal Brief

Olivia Bellas is a multi-skilled creative practitioner with over ten years experience in the arts and culture industry. The work she creates is driven by a sense of place, discovery, the everyday, vulnerability. Above all, it is her belief that art is for everyone and can be made by anyone.

She has produced her own projects; founding the Canary Wharf Film Festival, writing a series of sound walks Memento,establishing politics & leadership programmes Uncovered, directing an interactive installation Bunker PLC and worked on commissions for Museum of London, Create Festival and London Transport Museum.

Her work also includes business development consultancy for clients; digital literacy initiative MyStreet, young people’s theatre YATI and arts and culture listings Run Riot. Using both the creative and commercial sides of her brain proves to be a bonus – since 2007 she has run The Original Ranch as a cultural consultancy and ScreenDeep as a production company. Those websites give more detail on projects, LinkedIn presents them in a linear form and this blog mentions them now and again as well as other tidbits.

She loves food, speaks European languages and hopes her son will sail a boat one day.

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Artists on your radar, shout them out!

John Smith

Die Antwoord

Juno Calypso

Which is your number one location - and what's it best for?

The big outdoors (to feel sane)

'Getting creative', what's it all about?

Don' think too hard

Your Life, Right Now - what's the soundtrack?

I'm forever blowing bubbles

What is your idea of a jolly good time?

Food on a table, on me, on you, all around

What happened the last time you were a complete disgrace?

I gave birth ;)

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