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Katie Hagan

Guest Writer

Personal Brief

Hailing from north west Kent, Katie is a dance artist working in the arts industry as a writer, PR person and occasional dance maker. She is founder of the independent dance magazine, dance art journal.

Artists on your radar, shout them out!

I must shout out all my DAJ team members who are also dance artists. Other artists include Alexandrina Hemsley, Eve Stainton, Dan Daw, Greta Gauhe, Penny Chivas, Monica Tolia, Surface Area Dance Theatre! There are too many.

Which is your number one location - and what's it best for?

If we’re talking London, then it’s New Cross. I have family connections there and I also went to Goldsmiths and had a roaring time. 

'Getting creative', what's it all about?

Having the best time ever but taking care of yourself in the process. 

Your Life, Right Now - what's the soundtrack?

The soundtrack to my life is always going to be any song by Amy Winehouse from her debut Frank album. 

What is your idea of a jolly good time?

Spending time with friends, family and loved ones.

What happened the last time you were a complete disgrace?

Haha this question… don’t think I can reveal those details! Let’s just say these things are always sent to try us… and we learn the hard way!

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