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Affly Johnson


Personal Brief

Affly is an arts marketeer, culture sponge and occasional lyric poet. She has worked on the Communications team at Norfolk & Norwich Festival and most recently joined arts marketing agency, The Cogency.

Artists on your radar, shout them out!

Paper Plates - Avant garde London based producer and musical ingenue / Sophie Niccoll - Painter, photographer, seeing the world through her eyes in her work is a privilege / Stephanie Warner - acutely visceral poet.

Which is your number one location - and what's it best for?

Portland, Maine - lake swimming, fresh fish and navel gazing.

'Getting creative', what's it all about?

Total immersion and bringing whoever you can along for the ride.

Your Life, Right Now - what's the soundtrack?

ABRA, re-listening to Amy Winehouse Frank and Joni Mitchell.

What is your idea of a jolly good time?

Good wine, exceptional food and a long warm night.

What happened the last time you were a complete disgrace?

Virgos are rarely in a fix.

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