What if virtual reality was accepted in theatre?
Image: Filming in Indonesia for the making of FROGMAN
Jack Lowe asks: what if virtual reality was accepted in theatre, as a tool for theatre? Surely our art form would continue to be the 21st century art form we all want it to be?
Axis: London Milano
Image: Axis: London Milano Installation
Feature by Judy Parkinson
25 Years Running Riot with Jonathan Harvey and Jeremy Goldstein
Photo: Jonathan Harvey (left) and Jeremy Goldstein (right)
Jeremy Goldstein from Truth to Power Café interviews author Jonathan Harvey.
Q&A: Kate March on 'An Evening of Meat' at The Vaults
Launching at The Vaults in Waterloo on the 27th March 2018, An Evening of Meat is a unique dinner installation where expressive dance and food meet on a dining table that doubles as a performance space. Having gained a cult following across the world, American director/choreographer Kate March tells us about her work and her travels through the world of performance.
Film maker Lorna Tucker talks about Westwood: Punk, Icon, Activist
Credit: Lorna Tucker, Photographed by Richard Stow