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Interview: Jareh Meets Joe Bataan

Jareh caught up with Joe Bataan during his quick tour of the UK as past of Red Bull Music academy at East London's Cordy House. He had played a blinding set the night before at Cargo, alongside James Pants & The X Group, as well as guest speaking at Red Bull's Music Academy London session at Cordy House.

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Website Review: 'Etsy' - the artists Ebay by Katie Antoniou

If you've cut back on retail therapy since the financial apocalypse, and withdrawal symptoms are beginning to set in, let me point you in the direction of Etsy. Assuaging all your sweatshop/environment/sustainability guilt, ... is kind of like Ebay, but for handmade items only- from cookies to soap, socks to coffee tables-if it can be made, chances are you'll find someone on Etsy who's making it. Sellers range from housewives in Ohio, to fashion students in Denmark; all earning a little extra through their creative handiwork.

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Review: Cosi Fan Tutti by Fiona Halliday

Too Cosi for comfort

Mozart’s Cosi Fan Tutte has been re-conceptualised, shelved and relaunched more times than Marks and Spencers. It has, over the years, become a testing ground for quirky production ideas: it’s been set in a scientific warehouse, a snobby hotel during the Boer War, a girl’s boarding school and a mental asylum in Melbourne. It’s also been a ‘hip hopera’ complete with nipple piercings and inner city locution. What next? Arias in Kalahari click language?

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Jareh at Stag & Dagger

Stag & Dagger returned to the east end bigger and better this year. Firetrap sponsored, while Adventures In A Beetroot Fields lead with the music taking it another step on from last year with more bands and more venues involved. They even took the show on the road to Leeds & Glasgow over the course of the weekend.

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