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Publish and Be Damned at the ICA

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Time 18:30
Date 17/03/12
Price Free
  • Produced by ICA
  • Price FREE
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Publish and Be Damned is an ongoing project focusing on artist-led and self-published magazines, journals, periodicals and other printed matter.

Publish and Be Damned present one of their vibrant and chaotic artists self-publishing fairs, where independent publishers will occupy the ICA for one day only to sell and trade their wares. Participants include Published and Be Damned members involved in architecture, music, design, literature, photography and fan culture. Among them are ANDpublishing, Banner Repeater, Everyday Press, Sara Mackillo, Monaco, Pablo Internacional Magazine, Esther Planas, Picpus, X Marks the Bökship and many more. Running alonside the fair will be a series of events related to issues of publishing, distribution, and design, ending with an evening of rapid-fire book launches from 6:30 - 8pm.

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