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Playing the Field

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Time 11:00
Date 29/06/13
Price Free
  • Produced by SoundUK
  • Price Donations welcome, Rowde Event £2.50
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Playing The Field is a fun, interactive event bringing three village fields to life with a collection of sound and music installations.


Four artists have been specially commissioned to create new works that animate and ‘play’ with local fields. These events will take place in three locations outside of London - Devon, Cornwall and Rowde.

Throughout the day audiences will be able to immerse themselves in a Sound Field, walk through a garden of pinwheels and follow a trail of Aeolian harps. The hidden sounds and stories of local communities will be triggered through telephones and emitted from modified bird houses. Audiences can also create their own junk instruments and perform in a junk orchestra. Plus play an interactive sampling game based on traditional village fête games and also record your own track.

With a family friendly fête-style atmosphere, this is a conscientious contemporary music event. Many of the artists will create works using local recycled materials and recordings of residents of all ages from each village. Alongside the sound works each village will present a range of additional activities including traditional fête games, food and drink stalls and more. 


Event Information

Saturday 29 June, 10am – 6pm, Free event (donations welcome): Berrynarbor Playing Field and throughout

village, Berrynarbor, Devon, EX34 9SG / 01805 603201

Tuesday 2 July, 11am – 3pm school only, 3.30pm – 7pm public, Free event (donations welcome): Callington

College, Callington, Cornwall, PL17 7DR in partnership with Carn to Cove

Saturday 6 July, 10am – 6pm, £4 adults, £2.50 children, £10 family: Rowde Sports Field, Sand’s Lane, Rowde,

Nr. Devizes, SN10 in partnership with Pound Arts

Additional activities at each event to be announced via, or



Mark Anderson -

Leslie Deere -

Katee Woods aka Dustcutter -

Chris Stanley -


Produced by: sounduk

In partnership with: Beaford Arts, Carn to Cove and Pound Arts as part of sounduk’s rural touring network. Funded by: Arts Council England and PRS Foundation for Music. 

About sounduk : sounduk produces and commissions new music projects for tours and special events. We work with some of the most creative artists from Europe and beyond to create memorable performances which we hope excite and move audiences.

Playing The Field is part of a three year partnership with Beaford Arts and other rural touring networks designed to bring unique contemporary music events to the English countryside. To find out more about our events and to join the mailing list, please visit,, @soundukarts

About Beaford Arts: Beaford Arts is one of the oldest rural touring networks in the UK, working with over 30 communities to commission, present and promote arts events in Devon. Based at Greenwarren House, Beaford Arts welcomes over 1,000 young people to the residential centre each year to take place in arts activities and courses. Beaford is also the home of the Beaford Archive, a collection of over 80,000 images taken by the late photographer, James Ravilious.

Playing the Field
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