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Passing Clouds

A space for exciting art and music events, meetings and social extravaganzas, as well as a place to escape from life's treadmill and find inspiration in your work or play in comfortable and stylish surroundings.

"It’s not a club, it’s a revolution. And if you want to build a revolution, you have to throw great parties, say the people behind Passing Clouds. In the early days (mid-Noughties), the house-party vibe was such that people would wake up the next day on its engulfing sofas. Nowadays, matters are rather more ordered(ish) – they mean business with that revolution, but given that it’s all about the independent conscience scene (yes, you can party consciously), and that community is the order of the day, the make-yerself- at-home atmosphere endures. Housed in a handsome 19th-century ex-printworks down an alley by a disused railway line, the club is appropriately non-commercial and low-fi (read: cheap entry and drinks; scruffy antiques). Its signature is live world music – gypsy, roots, afro-jazz – played out to both the downstairs dance floor and the more chilled first floor, but its reputation is more that people go because it will be a wild, friendly party, not because they have any idea who’s playing; Sundays see a local jam – to be kept in the loop, become their Facebook friend. It’s a good look." - Hg2 London

Passing Clouds,
Richmond Road (behind Uncle Sam's pub), Dalston,
E8 4AA

07951 989 897
Passing Clouds

Tube: Old Street (then bus!)
Train: Dalston

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