- Produced by Reclaim the Night
- Price FREE
- Get ready To reclaim the night!
- Bring along banners galore
- Surf to Reclaim the Night
- See you at Whitehall Place
Close down central London for women, put your feet on the streets to shout a loud NO to rape and all forms of male violence against women
Join us for the 10th anniversary of London Reclaim the Night!
Violence against women continues to occur every minute of every day, but women everywhere are making a stand. Join us and join millions across the globe who will be marking the annual United Nations Day to End Violence Against Women (25th November) with demonstrations and marches in their own localities.
With ideological cuts threatening the refuge and rape crisis movements in the UK we need to take back the capital to demonstrate women’s support for essential women’s services, demand justice for survivors and spread the message that no woman is ever to blame for male violence against her.
This year is the tenth anniversary since Reclaim The Night was revived in London, so ‘bring some tin, and make a din’. We encourage you to bring tin drums, tin whistles, tambourines, be creative and really make a noise! Wear silvery tin coloured items if you can. Bring placards, banners, friends and song. March for your friends and family, your colleagues, your daughters, yourself – march for all of us; march for a better world, free from violence and abuse.
We will assemble at Whitehall Place, SW1 at 6pm and will march to the Camden Centre where all are welcome to join the mixed rally and after-party. There will be licensed bars, entz, DJs and dancing until late.
Reclaim The Night is a women-only march. Men who would like to support the event are encouraged to join the Men’s Vigil at the Edith Cavell Statue or to attend the mixed rally later in the evening.