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A debate as to whether an eco-socialist program would have to curtail growth or could it provide an environmental sustainable version of growth?
Guests are agreed that capitalism is a root problem of a range of environmental problems the world is facing, but can a socialist alternative resolve these issues? Crucially, would an eco-socialist alternative have to curtail growth or could it administer an environmentally sustainable version of growth?
Marx considered that plenty was a necessary condition for the coming of a fully developed socialist society. Whilst many argue that removing want will require growth, most Greens argue that any growth is unsustainable.
Pete Dickenson’s 'Planning for Planet' puts the argument round the other way, that it is impossible to tackle environmental problems without effective international planning, a prerequisite for which is eliminating the conflicts that result from scarcity. His book contends that the growth needed to remove scarcity can be green, but only if organised in the context of a democratically planned socialist economy.
Arguing against this position will be Derek Wall, who has most recently authored ‘The Rise of the Green Left: Inside the Worldwide Ecosocialist Movement’. We hope you will be able to join our two guest to add your voice to the discussion.