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Victoria Melody presents Major Tom at ArtsDepot

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Time 19:30
Date 16/05/13
Price £12

Victoria is currently exploring championship dog showing with her basset hound and is participating in beauty pageants as a contestant.

 To complete the research for this show, the dog Major Tom is going to Crufts and Victoria at 34 and 5ft 4 is going to the Mrs England 2013 beauty pageant. She currently holds the title of Mrs Brighton.

Major Tom and Victoria increasingly immerse themselves as they participate as genuine contestants and aim to win. This project will follow their story. It will reflect on the British fascination with celebrities, beauty, and winning.

Major Tom's first dog show was a disaster. Feeling an overpowering sense of guilt about her basset hound being criticised, Victoria Melody decided to put herself through the same process and become a beauty queen.

 A true, funny 'one woman, one dog show' about our fascination with celebrity, beauty and winning. Commissioned and produced by Farnham Maltings. Developed at BAC and MAKE, Ireland. Funded by the Arts Council

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