- Produced by Reel islington
- Price £5 / £2.50 unwaged or low wage concession. Refreshments available.
- Bring along
- Surf to website
- See you at The Old Fire Station
First Friday Film Club will be screening The Year of the Beaver, curated and introduced by Radical Islington
This documentary follows the 2 year long strike at the Grunwick photographic processing plant in London in the 1970s, led predominantly by the Asian women who worked there. Featuring media coverage, including television, newspaper and radio reports as well as interviews with workers at the plant, the documentary charts a landmark event in the history of British industrial action, and set the stage for Thatcherism and neo-liberalism.
As well as dealing with issues of race and gender in the workplace, it also explores the portrayal of the strike by the media and the role it played in making the unfolding of events so high profile. F
irst Friday Film Club takes place on the first Friday evening of every month, in partnership with Holloway Neighborhood Group and Rowan Arts.