- Produced by Dochouse
- Price £7 (£5 concessions)
- Get ready for a winning blend of human stories and ravishing Nordic landscapes
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- Surf to website
- See you at Riverside Studios
Against the backdrop of Northern Greenland's exhilarating scenery, meet the inhabitants of Niaqornat.
All 59 of them. Among them are Lars, the town's only teenager and the only male in a community of hunters who wouldn't dream of killing animals; Karl, the huntsman who has never really acknowledged that Lars is his son; Ilanngauq, the outsider who moved to Niaqornat after meeting his wife online; and Annie, the elder who remembers the ways of the Shamen and a time when the lights were fuelled by seal blubber.
Facing numerous ecological and economic obstacles the remote community is more fragile than its hardy inhabitants, and in the face of melting ice, lack of government support and a dwindling population, individuals must come up with some creative measures to save their town. Sarah Gavron's astute portrait of one of the remotest spots on earth is at once visually breathtaking and a dramatic wake-up call to a dilemma an increasing number of small communities are facing worldwide.
A winning blend of human stories and ravishing Nordic landscapes - The Hollywood Reporter Director Sarah Gavron, transports the audience to one of the most remote places in the world and captivates them with beauty and simplicity - DocGeeks
Followed by a Q&A with director Sarah Gavron.
Sarah Gavron Sarah trained as a fiction director at the National Film & Television School. Her feature length film This Little Life was produced for BBC Films and the UK Film Council and among them 2 BAFTA Awards in 2004 (Best New Director and Craft Award). In 2007 Sarah released her second feature Brick Lane and was nominated for a BAFTA and for the Critics Circle award for new directors. Village at the End of the World is Sarah's first documentary.