- Produced by For the love of Mic
- Price free
- Get ready to rap
- Bring along your bling
- Surf to Facebook page
- See you at House of Wolf
Sling your jeans low and throw your best moves as Mr Mathers in a night of rap-filled mayhem.
It’s likely we’ll all be too drunk/hungover to remember the Easter weekend anyway, so for the next For The Love Of Mic on March 28, we’re heading all guns blazing for an April Fool’s Day-styled blow out with masks of the ultimate prankster Eminem.
Show off your rhyme skills by taking part in a rap-off to ‘Real Slim Shady’. Winner gets free booze! Oh, and there will be Twitter requests from 2am, drunken shenanigans and hip hop photography in abundance.
Music policy: "If there's an MC on it, we'll play it". And by "MC", we're talking everyone from Mos Def to Betty Boo to the dude who does the "Serious As Cancer" rap on "Rhythm Is A Dancer". Think party hip hop, G-funk, early '90s rave, R&B, garage, grime and loads of pop featuring tenuous cameos by MCs with Hennessy bills to pay.