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The Last Tuesday Society presents Satan's Rout- A Halloween Ball at The Coronet

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Time 22:00
Date 26/10/12
Price £20

'A Curious Invitation' by Suzette Field, Tribune of The Last Tuesday Society, describes forty of the greatest parties in world literature: five of which will be recreated at this Halloween Ball.

Their Satanic Majesties, the Chancellor, Viktor Wynd, and the Tribune, Suzette Field of The Last Tuesday Society present Satan's Rout in a forgotten art deco picture palace to celebrate the launch of the Tribune's book, A Curious Invitation.

 Tickets include a hardback signed first edition of the book. In the Grand Ballroom... SATAN'S ROUT (from Bulgakov's the Master and Margarita). The Devil throws a party for a few thousand of his closest fiends. Waltz with a host of freshly resurrected corpses to classical DJ TROYLUS SEARLL and a full 60 piece orchestra provided by the LONDON GAY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. Stomp your feet to the sounds of the spectacular criminal castrato and his anarchic street opera trio THE TIGER LILLIES. Have living OYSTERS poured down your throats by Satan's little helpers. Dance into damnation to our accordion-playing polar bear, our ape jazz ensemble and the peripatetic perambulations of the TRANS SIBERIAN MARCH BAND. And before the cock crows you can chase out the evil spirits with DJ LARRY TEE, the King of Electroclash. In the Asylum... McMURPHY'S WARD PARTY (from Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest). Sneak out of your hospital bed, drink COUGH SYRUP COCKTAILS and burn up the corridors in WHEELCHAIR RACES. But be sure not to disturb the vindictive Nurse Ratched and her team of SADISTIC WARD SISTERS, provided by THE LONDON LEISURE PIRATES, lest they subjugate you with blanket baths, enemas and electro-shock therapy.

In Plastunov's Inn... DIMITRI KARAMOZOV'S REVEL AT MOKROYE (from Dostoevsky's The Brother's Karamazov) Flee a murder scene by troika and follow Mitya Karamazov, blood soaked and suicidal, to his last stand of decadence. The villagers of Mokroye have been roused from their beds for a feast of slavonic savouries provided by RUSSIAN REVELS. Watch peasant girls cavort in a bawdy bear dance to the accompaniment of ALEJANDRO TOLEDO AND THE MAGIC TOMBOLINOS and PENNY METAL'S BALKAN BEATS.

In the Imperial Gardens... THE BLOSSOM VIEWING PARTY (from Japanese Classic The Tale of Genji). Contemplate the ineffable beauty of the blossom and observe GEISHAS enacting the traditional erotic Japanese art of tight binding KINBAKU-KI (rope bondage) in the elegant gardens of the Heian Imperial Palace. OKONOMIYAKI pancakes, a diabolical delicacy from the Edo period, will be hand prepared by our MAJORDOMO Patrick Knill. And in the THE ONION CELLAR (from the Gunter Grass's The Tin Drum). Experience debasement in our basement as Ferdinand Schmuh wields his cleaver and lost souls wail in hell under his onion juices. Wet your pants and revert back to Kindergarten with Dusseldorf's renowned jazz outfit the RHINE RIVER THREE, featuring the tiny OSKAR MAZERATH on drums.

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