Latest music video by film maker Bronwen Parker-Rhodes for Auf Togo
'The Basement' Music video for UK based band Auf Togo.
Credits: Directed, filmed and edited by Bronwen Parker-Rhodes
About Bronwen Parker-Rhodes
After graduating from Slade School of Fine Art with a 1st, Bronwen has produced and directed films for Channel 4, BBC, Nowness, Vice, Rihanna, Vivienne Westwood, Hunger TV and exhibited her films and photography worldwide.
Coming up:
London Short Film Festival: New Shorts: Femmes Fantastiques at Hackney Picturehouse featuring ‘Dear Delicious’, a short film by Parker-Rhodes
5pm, Saturday 9 January 2016
More info
Dear Delicious (synopsis)
3 mins
“Why am I writing to you? Beauty, nakedness, curiosity. Or a thousand other reasons. I don’t know, really. That I’m selfish is a big part of it. And also that desire makes me – not just me, I think it goes for everyone – feel more alive.” Dear Delicious uncovered the secret and surprising letters men send to pole dancers.