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Information Films by activist group Aviation Justice

The Aviation Justice Express videos follow from the arrest of the UK's 'most effective environmentalist' John Stewart to the FBI's fascination with the use of superglue as a 'dangerous' tool in a climate activists weaponry to the joining of movements between those challenging Tar Sands and those challenging the aviation industry.


1. Superglue Video (above) - The news the polluters don’t want you to know...
Calling all superglue addicts! You want to stop climate change? You want to hold politicians to account? You want to take the necessary action to stop pollution? Poverty? Inequality? Well join the superglue revolution!
Never underestimate it's power for change... Watch this space for superglue trainings in your local town hall.....
Dan is available on request for superglue trainings at all climate action camps, social justice campaigns, weddings and barmitzvahs

2. The Peace Arch - Organising Against The Odds
The FBI, Secret Service and CIA tried and failed to stop the Aviation Justice Express. Due to the FBI’s over the top treatment , the tour proudly went on and their suppression backfired.

But steely determination, commitment to free speech, witty resolve and a little bit of mask-making is all we need to organise across the world to bring the aviation industry back down to Earth.

3. Tar Sands and Aviation Movements Unite
Aviation expansion and tar sands have been two of the key climate campaign issues in recent years.
The untold story is that the tar sands and aviation industries are fuelling each other’s expansion. New bounties of fuel from the tar sands are propping up the expansion of aviation across the globe, while aviation is providing a valuable market for aviation and jet fuels refined from tar sands crude. As a result at least 15% of tar sands crude ends up in commercial jets and the revolving corporate door continues to spin between Tar Sands and the Aviation industry execs. There are fuel pipelines to Vancouver, Denver and Chicago airports from Athabasca bitumen mining operations and the notorious keystone pipeline – all which must be challenged. .

All too often, we reinvent the wheel by not connecting the dots between our movements and building off of one another’s momentum, tactics and shared opponents. All along the fossil fuel production line, from Indian mining activists, to Canadian tar sands campaigners and British anti-aviation organizers, we must see find ways to bring our efforts together and support each other to have a hope of tackling this global climatic catastrophe.

4. The Transatlantic Anti Airport Expansion Rolls On – The case of Toronto City Airport Campaign 
The UK, US and Canada, per capita are among the most flying nations in the world with some of the weakest train alternatives. With aviation being the fastest growing cause of global CO2 emissions, Aviation Justice Express are proud to launch our global network of grassroots campaigns to challenge this.

Brian Iler, of CommunityAIR campaign in Toronto, says, "Superglue’s a useful tool in the array of climate campaign tactics.  It’s been used to great effect in protests against some of the biggest polluters in the world, from the Royal Bank of Scotland to airports to UK Government departments. If superglue helps stick it to politicians who let us down, then bring on the superglue revolution!"

5. Occupy Toronto 2011
The Occupy Movement worldwide has been groundbreaking with nowhere more so that in it’s home continent North America. The well-crafted image of Canada as a sweet, caring and obedient nation has taken a much needed blow as no fewer than 20 Canadian cities have seen occupations. It's “We are the 99%” mantra casts a spotlight on global disparities in wealth and power between the ever-shrinking haves and widening have- nots. Occupy’s critique of today’s corporate buy out of democracy is especially redolent here in Canada, where the aviation industry and the fossil fuel industry at large, are the loudest voice in the Canadian government.


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