The Other Woman Podcast 18: Charlotte Hatherley and Amy Lamé Katie Antoniou on 25/02/13 with comments Tweet Your browser does not support the audio element. Podcast Powered By Podbean This month The Other Woman podcast crew welcome Charlotte Hatherley to the Pod. You may know her as the former guitarist with indie favourites Ash, or for her solo work or as recent incarnation Sylver Tongue. The guitar wielding ace has turned to synthesisers as her latest muse, but never fear, there are riffs in there too. Plus embarrassing moment's meeting idols - in Charlotte's case David Bowie, in Ruth Barnes' case Germaine Greer and for Piney Gir it's Bonnie Prince Billy. There's also a story about Green Gartside and pooh, plus Mick Jagger's scrotum gets a mention...! Jude Rogers raves about Kraftwerk, Stef Schadenfreude has the showbiz and we welcome Girl About Town Emily Scoggins for gig reviews. Oh, and Piney and Ruth meet awesome performer and presenter Amy Lame to talk about Burger Queen, the beauty contest for chubsters and so much more!