Wanted: Artists, Musicians & Performers for the Climate Rush South West Tour

Come One, Come All, Climate Rush are going on the Run
To get involved, email: info@climaterush.co.uk
Or call the cordinator on: 07951 225127
Climate Rush are on the run. The UK's most stylish eco-activists know that it's time to hit the road, attracting public and media attention along the way. Join us as we take 3 horses, 2 gypsy wagons and 16 climate suffragettes on an environmental tour of South West England. This will be THE roadshow of the millennium, discovering the nation's most sustainable initiatives and uncovering those pesky climate criminals.
We Need YOU
We've got the climate science and the protest plan, but now we need your creative spark. Artists, comedians, musicians and performers will be showing villages, towns and cities just how joyous the future will be. We don't need a tour bus or generators pumping out gas. All we need is your talent, raw and simple, attracting communities and engaging them in the most entrancing bandwagon they have ever seen. Get in touch and join the show. Food and audience provided.
Below is our planned journey. Please pass on this information to colleagues, friends and family in these areas – all are welcome to join us. If you want to actively perform, please contact by Tuesday, 1st September. The sooner the better!
4 – 5 September
Sipson, the village due to be razed if the third runway at Heathrow goes ahead, shows what can happen when local communities and global networks work together to protect ‘our climate, our land’. We will host a celebration of community resistance on Saturday 5th, with representatives from campaigns such as Radley Lakes, Rossport and Vestas. This will culminate in a promenade performance telling the stories of their battles and celebrating people power.
8 – 11 September
Caroline Lucas MEP will join us as we visit an award winning eco-school and ask the question: why doesn’t every primary school in the country run on solar, wind and ground-pumps? At secondary schools in Aylesbury we will encourage debates on citizenship and civil disobedience, making the link between education, democracy and protecting the environment.
12 – 14 September
Leading academics from the university and beyond will be invited to debate issues of science communication. If we are to tackle climate change we must overcome thedistrust of science that has hindered action over the last thirty years, and explore innovative ways of engaging with facts and numbers. We will also be joined by over 30 artists, musicians, performers and writers seek to join us as we bridge the gap between the arts and sciences.
17 – 19 September
Here we will meet with Ecotricity and investigate the low-carbon technologies that could shape our future. We’ll take a spin in the only electric car that does 0 – 100 in less than 5 seconds, before hosting an interactive event that highlights and publicises technological solutions to climate change, be it wind technology or a double decker eco-bus. Stroud is also a well-known hub for sustainable agricultural practices. We will visit farms and community projects in the area to learn about the future of our food.
20 – 22 September
As the country’s first ‘Cycling City’, Bristol clearly has something to teach the rest of the country about transport – yet its bus service remains more expensive than London, and congestion is severe. A pedal-powered, ‘Critical Mass’ style parade through Bristol city centre, stopping off at climate criminals and the local council offices along the way, will highlight the need for a radical rethink of the way we move around. In the evening we will be joined by squatters, graffiti artists and well-known musicians as we prepare for International Peace Day celebrations.
26 – 27 September
Devon County Council likes to claim that it is ‘Britain’s Greenest County’, and a spate of recent initiaties (Devon Warm Zones, Live Devon, Do it for Devon) certainly place it among the most vocal councils on climate change. But who is holding them to account? In preparation for our electoral campaign next year, and in partnership with Vote for a Change, we will spend our time in the County seat investigating the best ways to ensure our elected representatives are truly working for environmental justice.
30 September
The ‘Transition Town’ model pioneered by Totnes is now spreading throughout the world. In contrast to the empty words of top-down solutions, the inspiring deeds of grass-roots initiatives reveal how possible a sustainable future is, and how far and how fast good ideas can spread in the information age. The home of ‘Transition’ is the perfect place for our journey’s end.