Buy Rave Watches Here!
So then folks, don't fancy the mobs of Oxford street this year, still searching for that special something but don't know what it is yet then look no further, the Run-Riot Pop-Up Boutique is here to help.
For our maiden offering some super disco rave watches.
Essential accessories for anyone planning to shake their booty this NYE. There's two styles and loads of different colours - the bubble being sold for £25 and the square which is £15 or the pair for £30.
For all enquiries please contact and he'll ensure you receive them in time for Christmas.
NOTE: If you live east-side he may be able to deliver to your front door in person. Otherwise the watches will be posted recorded delivery to your chosen address.
Available in a shocking range of Electric Neon Colours, including Fruity Orange, Baby Blue, Electric Pink, Lime Zing, Lilac Lush, White Heat, Nu-Black - and more!
Check more pics on Flickr. Naughty, naughty - very Naughty!: