To be a champ you have to believe in yourself when no one will: Q&A with Bristol based arts collective "CHAMP"
Founded in 2014, CHAMP is an open community, a mutually supportive network and an artist-run space based in Bristol. Formed of 13 artists working in a wide variety of media the group originates a strong DIY ethos. Champ’s approach to arts and creativity is one of openness and encouragement, which is demonstrated through their collective practice of skill sharing, teaching and learning.
Felix Cohen on Opening A Neighbourhood Bar: From Reverie to Reality
Timberlina on Joyous Eco-Woe, Rock n Roll, Blues, Folk and Alt-Drag
Hello, I'm Timberlina and I'm a bearded drag queen who when not gardening, cooking or hosting hilarious bingo shows writes kick ass songs about impending environmental catastrophe and queer issues. No covers, just a little alt-drag, folk-blues and rock n roll joyous eco-woe. Happy stuff. I've got a gig coming up at The Glory on Saturday 3rd June so Jamie has suggested I tell you a bit more about myself.