When David met Lavinia
[Photo Credit: Lavinia Co-op by Justin David & David Meyer]
David Meyer, a founding member of the Lindsay Kemp Company, meets Lavinia Co-op, a founding member of the Bloolips Theatre Company. The two star opposite each other in SwanSong, a new play by Nathan Evans at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern as part of And What? Queer. Arts. Festival.
David: So, we meet again…
Interview: Everything That Rises Must Dance: Choreographer Sasha Milavic Davies on Celebrating both Women and Dance
Everything That Rises Must Dance, is the latest work by choreographer Sasha Milavic Davies (pictured above), devised with composer and long term collaborator Lucy Railton. Known for making large scales dance and theatre works, Sasha’s piece has been created working with more than 200 women across London. This piece is an ode to female movement, drawn from the every day and universal.
Interview: Drama, Theatre and Performance - Niamh Dowling on Rose Bruford College's new and exciting postgraduate programme
Rosemary Waugh: Rose Bruford has just extended its postgraduate programme. What are the new courses and what’s special about them?
Review: Valerie Renays debut solo album Your Own Shadow. Words by Barnaby William Thornton
Who better to review the solo efforts of electronic pop chanteuse Valerie Renay on her debut ‘Your Own Shadow’ (co-produced by Alexander Paulick-Thiel) than a longtime follower of her previous band, Noblesse Oblige? Self-confessed shady character and former Madame Jojo’s dweller, Barnaby William Thornton, is here to shed some light on the stunning new release.