Naomi's Style - July Tips

This month we check out London’s most stylish pub, dance to the beat of the our favourite artist dj’s, talk eco couture, and check out other people’s panties. Plus the real Sporting event of the summer and the pastie’s are finally standing up for themselves.
Shamefully I have not yet quite made it to down to what has been declared the most stylish pub in London. Even so, like the drunken aunty, I have been invited to The Albert and Pearl’s first birthday party Friday 3rd July 8.00pm – 3.00am 181 Upper Street Islington N1 1RQ featuring a DJ set from Huey of The Fun Loving Criminals and T4 presenter Jameela Jamil. The night will include complimentary punch, cocktails and food, as well as fantastic parlour games and prizes, including the longest game of dominoes and vintage photography. I am quite distressed to hear Pearl's dressing up wardrobe will also be available. A few too many mint juleps and I can’t be held responsible for what ends up in my handbag. RSVP to
Friday is the new Saturday (I need 2 whole days to get over a night out now), so after the birthday fun I shall be shimmying over to the Dragon Bar Friday 3rd July, 8.00pm – 2.00am 5 Leonard Street Shoreditch EC2A 4AQ to see my favourite artists Twinkle Troughton and Tinsel Edwards who will be spinning jazz, blues, rockabilly, rock n roll and more...They will be dressed head to toe in Vintage Secret's finest 50s garb (wonder where they got that from!) including some fabulous 50’s beach suits.
I have begun to feel that my contribution to ecological clothing by the medium of vintage is not quite enough in keeping up with the times. To find out more I will be seeking the wise words of Spanish eco mistress Elena Garcia at her talk on Eco Couture at the Rococo Ethical Boutique 8th July 6.00pm – 9.00pm 16 Avenue Mews, London, N10 3NP. Not only do you also get discounts but also a free glass of organic wine, rendering the evening a complete guilt free treat. Plus this is a shop we should all be buying from.
I hopped on my bike recently and peddled like a maniac across the river to catch a glimpse of Elle McPherson (it was the legs I was interested in) at the opening of Undercover – the evolution of underwear, the new exhibition at the Fashion and Textiles museum now until 27th September 2009. 11.00am-6.00pm Wednesday to Sunday. £6.50 for adults, £3.50 for students and concessions. I may have missed Elle (her legs being longer than mine, she had already left) but I certainly didn’t miss the 50’s Pucci playsuits or the 40’s boudoir decoration that had taken over the museum. I felt quite at home amongst the frillies. A must for all lovers of fine smalls and aficionados of undie history. Check out the blow up underwear and the dress made from bras and briefs by designers Vin & Omi.
What events have you practising your slaps and appreciating the art of mixing a martini? Move over 2012. This is the London Sporting event that one should not miss out on. Welcoming only the elegant and unathletic, the Chap Olympiad on Saturday 11th July in Bedford Square Gardens, WC1, is a delightful day of themed sporting events, live music, side shows and refreshments. The Olympiad is designed to reward panache rather than sporting prowess so make sure that in between practicing your cucumber sandwich discus and strategizing the Martini Knockout Relay, you dig out your finest clobber as only the dashing and dapper are allowed in. Games Begin at 1PM Tickets are £15 and sold in advance via Ticketweb or by calling 020 7636 8228.
Those twirling girls needed a bit longer to mobilise the troops. Sequins are fickle things. Last months eagerly awaited Pastie Protest will now be taking place on 30 July. To get you in the mood head down first to the Save Burlesque Fundraiser - 12th July 2009, 7.00pm Proud Galleries Camden £6/£8 – featuring Jo King and Gwendoline L’Amour no less (things must be getting serious!) Apparently Camden Council will be able to sleep safely knowing that not one of their regulations will be broken during this rare display of defiance – how shall they do it?
Want to join in but have not quite developed your signature moves? The Frame team will get you removing your stockings with your teeth in less time than it takes to glue on a fake eyelash. The course is taken by the fabulous Amber Topaz and Josephine Shaker, represented by the Whoopee Agency. From Bump and Grind and shaking your money maker, to how to remove your stocking without making a ladder….and if you’re really brave, the ancient art of tassel twirling! Wear heels and come ready to use a new prop each week. This course will allow you to develop your stage personae, movement skills and burlesque dance moves. Best start thinking of your stage name now. The next Burlesque course at Frame starts at 7.15pm on Monday 20th July (with an advanced course starting on the 13th July), with one 75 minute session at the same time over 4-weeks. The cost of this course is £90.
NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Naomi has now quit a well paid job in the middle of a recession to dedicate her life fulltime to finding the most stylish London events preview events, exhibitions and shows. E-mail her at and make it all worthwhile.