Katie Antoniou chats to Rosie Lovell about her pop-up shop and restaurant

KA: I lived in Brixton for a year when I first moved to London- my parents were pretty freaked out but I found the sense of community stronger than anywhere I've lived since. Has this been your experience with the cafe?
RL: Absolutely. Blackerdread keeps a watchful eye on my shop, and Esme, opposite makes sure all my ills are tended to - she's like a spare mum. The market community is really strong. But as a white girl i guess it's a bit overwhelming at first. I went head first into it and haven't looked back.
KA: You've famously befriended everyone from local junkies to Basement Jazz and the Horsemeat Disco kids- do you just win everyone over with your amazing cookery skills?
RL:I'm not sure. I hope so, but rosie's may not be for everyone. Everythings a bit wonky. If that's your thing, you'll love it.
KA:Did you learn to cook as a child or is it something you discovered later in life?
RL:My parents taught me everything. They taught me that a kitchen table can have many friends around it and everyone's welcome. I hope Rosie's is like that too.
KA:Your cookery book, 'Spooning with Rosie' is on my Christmas wishlist- whats your favourite Festive recipe?
RL:Definitely not turkey. I live the pomegranate coucous, as it's so colourful and perfect for christmas. I'm currently working on a samosa shaped like mince pie.
KA:And with your pop-up shop and restaurant running until Christmas Eve, I'm guessing thats going to be the new home of Brixton Christmas Spirit?
RL:Defo! We've got loads planned, and the stock is already to the brimful. We want to create a lovely cosy space and fill it with goodness- I've been making metres of christmas bunting to put up everywhere.
KA:What will you be stocking/serving?
RL:We've got KLF books, and lots of david shrigley stuff too. Plus my book, and lots more from harpercollins. There'll be pates, good for a dad's stocking, and Joe HotChips new solo album. Something for everyone!
KA:You're running the venture with your boyfriend Raf Rundell- have you worked together before?
RL:We did a few events at the doodlebar, which was really fun. And he sometimes washes up in the shop. We have different skills I'd say, but are dead compatible.
KA:And what are you asking Father Christmas for this year?
RL:A holiday! We're going to need it.
KA:Have you been good?
RL: I think so, give or take. Probably too many late nights on the tiles, but apart from that, it's been another year of hard graft.
See details of Rosie's shop and restaurant here: