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Artswipe present 'Remasters' at The Rag Factory

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Time 11:00
Date 05/12/10
Price Free

Old Master paintings altered, reworked or just defaced by today's irreverent talent.

Participating artists include: 6' Jellybaby, Agent Provocateur, Dave Anderson, Gerry Baptist, J Boy, Cartrain, Tinsel Edwards, European Bob, Giana, Natalie Hughes, Ben Oakley, Jo Peel, Mark Perronet, Jonas Ranson, Maria Rivans, Ryca, Schnulli, Snub 23, Swifty, Michelle Thompson and Twinkle Troughton (Twink's remaster is pictured)


They are exhibited as quality digital prints on fine art paper approx A2 size in signed limited editions of 50 for £50 each- the perfect Christmas present for the person who has everything.


Opening party Thursday 2nd, 6.30pm with mulled wine and DJs.

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