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Adam Birtwistle presents Paintings at King's Place

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Time 10:00
Date 11/01/13
Price Free

Adam Birtwistle is known for his deeply revealing portraits.

Instead of the flattering conventions of eighteenth century Grand Manner portraiture, Birtwistle diminishes the grandeur and deflates the ego of everyone who sits for him.

“There are many ways of revealing the real person,” says Birtwistle, “I set out to make them feel uncomfortable by ordering them around. Then I confuse them. I tell them it’s all going to be very easy, then I make them sit down, tell them not to move and hold their heads in a fixed position for a very long time. I ask them, what’s the worst thing you have ever done? Quite soon they’re looking shaky, just as I want them.”

Fri 11th January - Sun 3rd March 2013

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