Methods of combating bedclothes

Bed bugs For many of us, a symbol of disadvantaged life, an untidy lifestyle, garbage and much of what causes most disgust. But the most interesting thing is that bugs are found in homes of completely neat and well-groomed people. Why is this happening?
Bed bugs, probably, the most unpleasant thing that can happen to a modern person. Previously, there was an irrevalous opinion that bugs appear only in apartments and houses, where many garbage also reigns the antisanitary. But life completely refutes this statement. It has long been proven that even the most neat and clean people face a similar problem.
Where to wait for trouble? The problem is that bedbugs are able to survive even in the most difficult situations: they can do without food for a long time, waiting for their "master". That is why bedbugs are distinguished by excellent survival. "Bring" to the house of Claop you can from anywhere. There are cases when people who spent in a hotel or at the recreation center have brought home unattended guests. The bugs climbed into them in suitcases, bags and could even travel with clothes.
Bed bugs are also distinguished by excellent abilities to wade through any cracks due to the special shape of the body. The surplus parasitic insects are easily made through tiny cracks in the walls, through sockets and other "passages". There are no cases when the bugs fall into the dwelling on the person itself: due to the small size of the insect it is difficult to notice on the clothes.
The main danger of bed bugs is that they are capable of carrying dangerous diseases. Even the bite is enough "safe" clap causes a lot of unpleasant sensations, ranging from burning, ending with serious allergic reactions.
Check your house for presence of bed bugs is very easy. It is necessary to check the places of their possible "accommodation". As a rule, the bugs are hiding under mattresses, on the walls under the wallpaper, so the places where the wallpaper moved should be checked first. Also, bugs love to hide in sockets, in cracks, under carpets, in general, in those places where a person cannot find them.
With the slightest suspicions of presence of bed bugs in the apartment, it is necessary to immediately think about how to carry out disinfection. Unfortunately, it is difficult to conduct this procedure and practically impossible. It is important to remember that only professionals will help get rid of bedbugs quickly and in a short time, processing all possible places of their location.
Bed bugs, probably, the most unpleasant thing that can happen to a modern person. Previously, there was an irrevalous opinion that bugs appear only in apartments and houses, where many garbage also reigns the antisanitary. But life completely refutes this statement. It has long been proven that even the most neat and clean people face a similar problem.
Where to wait for trouble? The problem is that bedbugs are able to survive even in the most difficult situations: they can do without food for a long time, waiting for their "master". That is why bedbugs are distinguished by excellent survival. "Bring" to the house of Claop you can from anywhere. There are cases when people who spent in a hotel or at the recreation center have brought home unattended guests. The bugs climbed into them in suitcases, bags and could even travel with clothes.
Bed bugs are also distinguished by excellent abilities to wade through any cracks due to the special shape of the body. The surplus parasitic insects are easily made through tiny cracks in the walls, through sockets and other "passages". There are no cases when the bugs fall into the dwelling on the person itself: due to the small size of the insect it is difficult to notice on the clothes.
The main danger of bed bugs is that they are capable of carrying dangerous diseases. Even the bite is enough "safe" clap causes a lot of unpleasant sensations, ranging from burning, ending with serious allergic reactions.
Check your house for presence of bed bugs is very easy. It is necessary to check the places of their possible "accommodation". As a rule, the bugs are hiding under mattresses, on the walls under the wallpaper, so the places where the wallpaper moved should be checked first. Also, bugs love to hide in sockets, in cracks, under carpets, in general, in those places where a person cannot find them.
With the slightest suspicions of presence of bed bugs in the apartment, it is necessary to immediately think about how to carry out disinfection. Unfortunately, it is difficult to conduct this procedure and practically impossible. It is important to remember that only professionals will help get rid of bedbugs quickly and in a short time, processing all possible places of their location.