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Tips for Sellers - five powerful Deal Completion techniques for future champions

What is the most common and widespread feeling among buyers? Feeling the need to say no. As you further develop your skills, as you rise from the average to the champion level, it is necessary that you realize the absolute truth in the following two statements:

All buyers want to say "no" first. With a few exceptions, during any contact with a customer in your entire career, his first desire is to refuse what you offer him.

Before you rise to the Champion, you must realize and feel comfortable in the presence of two givens. Make no mistake: all Champions feel great, realizing the two facts above. They know that the principle of "First you need to say no" is the only source of their security at work and a guarantee that their profession will bring them a lot of money. If you want to become a Champion, let these two thoughts please you.

In other words, those "no's" that buyers are so generous with at first are the raw materials for your production. Without them, you have no economic function of activity: all this can be done with brochures and videos alone. These "no's" that you hear are like uncut diamonds at a lapidary circle. And in order to get sparkling stones from them, in order to make the most possible on the basis of customer "no", you must function with the precision of a cutting machine.

Now you are warned. Now you know that you will have to hear the word "no" every day of your professional career. Now you know what great value these words hold for you. Therefore, let's look at how to turn all these predictable negative moments into equally predictable positive ones. This whole book, your whole career, comes down to turning every "no" into a "yes", am I not right?

Another important truth is contained in the following approximate figures: 50% of your transactions will be concluded by techniques that allow you to cope with serious objections; 40% — due to your ability to cope with delaying decision-making; 10% are due to your ability to immediately change the objection expressed to you. This percentage may vary slightly, but, in general, it indicates the importance of using numerous techniques for completing transactions. When preparing and conducting work with a client, you should always remember the fact that the most experienced sellers conclude most transactions on the fifth attempt. uk casino sites

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