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The History of Italy: Italy in the Interwar period #001

At the end of the First World War, Italy found itself in the group of victorious countries. In 1920, he faced an acute economic crisis: industrial production declined, the number of unemployed increased, and inflation increased.

Political life was dominated by the Liberal Party, which held the majority of seats in Parliament and formed governments. In January 1919, the Catholic People's Party was created, created on the initiative of the Vatican and designed to counter the influence of leftist forces.

In the spring of 1919, former veterans of the First World War created the first fascist detachments. One of the ideologists of the movement was the poet Gabiel d'Annunzio and leader Benito Mussolini. The future dictator of Italy, Benito Mussolini (1883-1945), was at the head of the Fasci di combatimento detachments, which violently attacked workers' organizations, emptying the headquarters of the Socialist Party. At the first meeting of the fascists, which took place in March 1919 in Milan, a program of action was adopted, providing for the establishment of state power and the propaganda of nationalism.

In 1920, Italy was gripped by major national strikes. The Italian government, led by Giovanni Giolitti, managed to direct a mass uprising through negotiations with the trade unions. With the activation of the left forces, the right forces were revived. On October 28, 1922, Mussolini organized a march to Rome. King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy orders Mussolini to form a government. Initially, it was a coalition government, but gradually a dictatorial character was imposed. Mussolini amended the electoral law to win the following elections: the party that received more than one vote won 2/3 of the seats in parliament. In the parliamentary elections in April 1924, the fascist party, in a bloc with other right-wing forces, received more than half of the votes. Since 1925, the fascists have gone on the offensive. Mussolini received additional powers through a special law. Political parties were banned, trade unions were dissolved, and only the activities of fascist unions were allowed. Thus, a fascist dictatorship was established in Italy.

Fascism was a reaction to the far-left movement, but also a reaction to liberal ideas. At the center of the system was placed the leader of the Duce party, which official propaganda considered infallible. The Election Law, adopted in 1928, provided for the holding of parliamentary elections on a single list, which included only members of the National Fascist Party. The fascists are promoting a policy of creating a closed national economy, called autarky, which will ensure the economic independence of the country. Download 4kmovies 2160p ultra HD, direct source.

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