Culture Geek - a call for speakers

Culture Geek is a platform for the latest thinking and ideas in the culture/tech space, and they’re now inviting proposals for talks for the 2020 conference in London. The theme: Making Digital Happen.
Here's what they have to say:
We’re looking for practical talks packed with actionable advice that our delegates can apply to their work. From social media to website design, from AI to virtual reality we want you to share how cultural organisations are succeeding with digital.
Our delegates are in digital roles at museums, theatres, festivals, publishers, dance companies and arts organisations.
For many a Culture Geek ticket is a big investment, so it’s important that talks don’t just showcase success, but give valuable insight that can positively impact their digital activities.
Culture Geek 2020 will take place at the Royal Geographical Society in London on June 12th.
Those interested in speaking should apply through this Google Form.
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Culture Geek talks are twenty minutes in duration, and followed by a Q&A. We generally favour talks with just one speaker and would not accept any application with more than two speakers.
We don’t pay speakers for participating in Culture Geek, but we do cover travel and accommodation where appropriate.
In addition to selling tickets to attend the event in London, we do also film the conference and offer a virtual ticket. So be aware that if selected to speak your talk will be filmed and shared.
Any questions, email: